Your Personal Reporter - Individual courses of Photography -
Your Personal Reporter - Individual courses of Photography -
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1 to 4 August 2011 - Sportur Club -
Photography is the most common means to remember the holidays, back to pleasant moments and images that capture their emotions and feelings!
For all lovers, for those who are beginners and for those who want to learn the art of photography SPORTUR CLUB HOTEL 1 to 4 August there will be a course of six hours held by Stefano Montalti (Studio Montalti Fotografia & Visual)
The courseis individualandability to creategroups of uptomaxof 5 peopleper session.
Aprofessional photographerat your disposal Withthe basic coursewe learn thecamera andbasic accessoriestocomposeour shots. We learnto framewell,managingto getthe correctespoizioneshotswithoutblur,depth of fieldto take pictureswith a nicebackgroundblurandpanoramicportraitsperfect! Learn how to makeyour photoshas neverbeen easierand faster