This is a 'unique experience for fans of cycling. Can ride in the company of Maurizio Fondriest and his staff.
Thursday, October 14 - From 16:00 to 20:00 Arrival of participants at Hotel Sportur - 20:00 pm Dinner at the restaurant Cinquecerchi Sportur Hotel - To follow: technical meeting with staff and program presentation
Friday, October 15 - 9:00 am cycling with Maurizio Fondriest and Sportur staff - Coming back: or lunch at the restaurant Fantini Club - 14:30 pm: relax on the beach umbrellas and deck - 16:30 pm: "Sensory Path" in the wellness Fantini Wave Spa - 20:00 pm: Dinner at the hotel restaurant Cinquecerchi Sportur to follow: technical meeting / introduction program for new arrivals
Saturday, October 16 9:00 am-cycling with Maurizio Fondriest and Sportur staff - Returning Fantini Club lunch at the restaurant -At 14:30: relax on the beach umbrellas and deck - 16:30 pm: "Sensory Path" in the wellness Fantini Wave Spa - 18:30 pm: Meeting with technical 20:00 pm-Dinner at the restaurant Cinquecerchi Sportur Hotel to follow: technical meeting and prize draw to draw
Sunday, October 17 9:00 am-: cycling with Maurizio Fondriest and Sportur staff -After returning Fantini Club lunch at the restaurant 16:00 pm-Farewell